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NFED Service Directory - Services for the equestrian & rural community

Tranquil Touch Equine Therapy


Sarah Jones
S.A.C (Dip) Animal Communication
Reiki Master/Teacher (UKRF)
BHS APC Level 3 Coach (Dressage)

With over 30 years vast and varied experience in the Equine Industry, Sarah is a fully qualified and insured Equine Sports Massage Therapist and an Accredited member of ACAT.

As an ESMT, Sarah works with traditional massage techniques, stretches, T Touch, H Wave therapy and red laser where needed.

Sarah has the ability to work on the horse holistically. As a communicator and a healer, she is able to treat the horse on all levels, incorporating healing and communication where needed to find and heal the root cause of a problem, not just the symptoms.

Sarah works with Reiki and has been trained as a Master/Teacher since 1999. She regularly runs Equine Reiki courses of all levels, from her home in the New Forest. Sarah is a fully Accredited member of the UK Reiki Federation.

Sarah trained and qualified as an Animal Communicator in 2019. Clairsentient from an early age, Sarah has an ability to not only communicate, but scan for imbalances within the animals body and then apply healing where needed. Many physical illnesses are a result of an emotional imbalance in the body. Animals have the ability to bury these memories. Communication and "being heard" allows the animal to release them, this not only allows the owner to understand their animal and the reason behind why they are acting in the way they do, but it strengthens bonds and allows us to move on as a partnership.

Sarah has taught riding for over 30 years. Her vast experience has given her a far better understanding of the bio mechanics of the horse and how the horse and the rider work together. Sarah is able to work with riders from a coaching point of view as well as a holistic body worker.

Sports Massage has many benefits for the horse and should be a regular part of their care routine. Sadly, many owners do not call until their horse is displaying signs of discomfort. Trained in saddle, teeth and foot assessment, Sarah will also liaise and refer to vet/chiropractor/saddler/farrier/equine dentist where needed.

Please note, it is a requirement for all alternative therapy practitioners to obtain the permission of the horse's vet before attendance to massage.

Ref: 2586-565

Link: www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref=565

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