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NFED Service Directory - Services for the equestrian & rural community

Julia Ryde-Rogers Showing & Confidence Tuition - Ridden and on the Ground


Julia Ryde-Rogers is a show producer based in Bishop's Waltham, Hampshire. Providing county level in-hand and ridden show production together with private tuition.

Whether you're a nervous rider looking to develop the partnership between you and your horse or more experienced and need advice to overcome a particular hurdle, Julia will provide patient tuition and work with you to achieve your goals.

Sessions are tailored to individual requirements but can include:

Ground manners for pushy, bossy or inexperienced horses
Ridden Tuition
Showing instruction
Turn out lessons for horse and rider - the finishing touches
In hand, lunging and long-reining tuition

As well as private tuition, Julia runs occasional open clinics. Recent events have focused on helping with confidence problems, communicating with your horse, showing instruction and turnout.

To discuss personal tuition or to find out when the next clinc will take place, please contact Julia 07793 532015 julia@ryde-rogers.co.uk 


Ref: 1207-029

Link: www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref=29

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