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NFED Service Directory - Services for the equestrian & rural community

Equine & Canine Physiotherapy. Sandy Goard

  • 01725 516205 or 07789 778654

  • Visit Website
  • Sixpenny Handley Dorset SP5 5QN

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Physiotherapy treatment can produce amazing results.

It is used for :-

  • Relieving pain
  • Restoring function
  • Preventing injury
  • Improving performance

I treat muscle, joint, back problems and wounds throughout the
Dorset, West Hampshire, South Wiltshire and East Somerset area using various non-invasive techniques.

I am a qualified veterinary physiotherapist and also a BHSAI
having over 35 years experience with horses.

I have an holistic approach to animal treatment and know that
through combined care from the vet, saddler and farrier as well
as physiotherapy and training, your animals can live and perform

Please visit my website www.wessexanimalphysio.co.uk for more
information, find me on Facebook or ring for an appointment on 01725 516205 or 07789 778654.

Ref: 1736-010

Link: www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref=10

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