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What is my Directory Listing Reference Number?If the directory listing is new, it will not yet have a number but can be referred to by the advertiser name. When the directory listing has been activated the listing number will be created & is shown at the bottom of the listing. The listing reference number is made up from two parts i.e. Ref: 1234-456 The listing can be viewed or shared by using www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref= followed by the database listing number: Example: www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref=456 If contacting the administrator for modifications or paying a renewal, don't worry we can find your listing using all or part of the reference number or by name. If you have paid, you will also have an order number provided by the shopping cart. This will be an eight-digit number proceeded by the letters RC. The listing number is fixed, but the shopping cart order number will change with each order or transaction. What is my Directory Listing Reference Number?If the directory listing is new, it will not yet have a number but can be referred to by the advertiser name. When the directory listing has been activated the listing number will be created & is shown at the bottom of the listing. The listing reference number is made up from two parts i.e. Ref: 1234-456 The listing can be viewed or shared by using www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref= followed by the database listing number: Example: www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref=456 If contacting the administrator for modifications or paying a renewal, don't worry we can find your listing using all or part of the reference number or by name. If you have paid, you will also have an order number provided by the shopping cart. This will be an eight-digit number proceeded by the letters RC. The listing number is fixed, but the shopping cart order number will change with each order or transaction. |
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