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NFED Service Directory - Services for the equestrian & rural community

Equine Relate - Positive Reinforcement Training for Horses


Positive reinforcement has been scientifically proven as the most effective and most ethical training for any animal (including humans). Horses learn especially well when they are not subjected to pressure, but are actively involved in their learning (often at liberty).

Ideal for starting a young horses’ education and also for resolving issues with handling such as farriery, loading and catching. With a firm understanding of equine behaviour,

Amy works to ensure the horse enjoys every part of their training and becomes a willing and cooperative partner. Fears and anxieties are resolved at an emotional level rather than being covered up with the use of aversive pressure.

Clicker training clinics for groups can also be arranged.

Ref: 2580-559E

Link: www.nfed.co.uk/d.php?ref=559

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