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Equestrian Acronyms

The following list of common equestrian acronyms has been compiled to help users of the NFED & other equestrian websites. If you would anything added, please contact the site admin.

acronyms (plural noun) - an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.

3DE - Three Day Event

AA - Anglo Arab
AES - Anglo European Studbook
AHR - Arabian Horse Registry
AHS - Arab Horse Society
AHT - Animal Health Trust
ANSF - Selle Français Breeders Society
ApHC UK - Appaloosa Horse Club
AQHA - American Quarter Horse Association
AWCF - Associateship of the Worshipful Company of Farriers

BAEDT - British Association of Equine Dental Technicians
BApS - British Appaloosa Society
BBWA - British Bavarian Warmblood Association
BCPS - British Connemara Pony Society
BD - British Dressage
BDS - British Driving Society
BE - British Eventing.
BEF - British Equestrian Federation
BETA - British Equestrian Trade Association
BEVA - British Equine Veterinary Association
BHHS - British Hanovarian Horse Society
BHRC - British Harness Racing Club
BHS - British Horse Society
BHTA - British Horse Trials Association
BMHS - British Miniature Horse Society
BMHS - British Morgan Horse Society
BNWT - Brand New With Tags
BPHS - British Percheron Horse Society
BPS - British Palomino Society
BSHR - British Sports Horse Register
BSJA - British Show Jumping Association
BSPS - British Show Pony Society
BWB - British Warmblood
BYRDS - British Young Riders Dressage Scheme

C/S - Cob Size
CB - Cleveland Bay
CBHS - Cleveland Bay Horse Society
CEnE - Comann Each nan Eilean – the Eriskay Pony Society
CDA - Commoners Defence Association
CHAPS - Coloured Horse & Pony Society
CMF - Certified Military Farrier

DPS - Dales Pony Society 
DEFRA - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DIP - Diploma in Farriery
Drift - New Forest Pony Round Up

EAM - Equine Atypical Myopathy
EDT - Equine Dental Technician
ELO - Equine Liaison Officer

F/S - Full Size
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question
FBNF - Forest Bred New Forest
FEI - Federation Equestre Internationale (International Equestrian Federation)
FPS - Fell Pony Society
FR - First Ridden
FRC - Farriers Registration Council (UK)
F/S - Full Size
FWCF - Fellowship of the Worshipful Company of Farriers

H/W - Heavy weight
HBLB - Horserace Betting Levy Board
hh - hands high
HHS - Hackney Horse Society
HHW - Hampshire Horsewatch
HOYS - Horse Of The Year Show
HPS - Highland Pony Society
HSE - Health and Safety Executive
HT - Hunter Trials
H/W - Heavyweight

ID - Irish Draught
IDHS(GB) - Irish Draught Horse Society of Great Britain
IH - Intelligent Horsemanship
IHSGB - Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain
IMO - In my opinion
ISH - Irish Sports Horse
IWT - Ifor Williams Trailers

JC - Jockey Club

KWPN - Royal Warmblood Stud Book Of The Netherlands (Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland)

L/W - Lightweight
LBSGB - Lusitano Breed Society of Great Britain
LDR - Long Distance Riding
LHC - Life Height Certificate
LNSA of GB - Lipizzaner National Stud Book Association of Great Britain
LR - Lead Rein
LSGB - Lipizzaner Society of Great Britain
LWVTB - Loan with view to buy

M&M - Mountain & Moorland
M/W - Middleweight
MGA - Mounted Games Association
MGAGB - Mounted Games Association of Great Britain
NF - New Forest
NFCDA - New Forest Commoners Defence Association
NFEA - New Forest Equestrian Association
NFED - New Forest Equine Directory
NFH - New Forest Hounds
NFLS - New Forest Livestock Society
NFNPA - New Forest National Park Authority
NFP - New Forest Pony
NFPB&CS - New Forest Pony Breeding & Cattle Society
NFX - New Forest Cross
NPS - National Pony Society

O/N - Open Novice
ODE - One-Day Event
OIRO - Offers in region of
ONO - Or Near Offer
OVNO - Or very near offer

p2p - Point to Point
PB - Part Bred
PBA - Part Bred Arab
PBNF - Part Bred New Forest
PC - Pony Club
POA - Price on Application
PPC - Prince Phillips Cup
PRE - Pure Spanish Horse (Pura Raza Espanola)
PUK - Ponies UK

QH - Quater Horse

RC - Riding Club
RCP - Riding Club Pony
RCVS - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
RDA - Riding for the Disabled Association
Reg - Registered
RH - Riding Horse
RoR - Retraining of Racehorses
RP - Ridden Pony
RSPCA - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

SH - Show Hunter
SHB(GB) - Sports Horse Breeding Of GB
SHP - Show Hunter Pony
SIHA - Scottish Icelandic Horse Association
SJ - Show Jumping
SP - Show Pony
SPSBS - Shetland Pony Stud Book Society
SPSBS - The Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society
SPSS - Sports Pony Studbook Society
STC - subject to collection

TB - Thoroughbred
TBA - Thoroughbred Breeders' Association
TBX - Thoroughbred Cross

VMR - Veterinary Medicines Regulations

WB - Warmblood
WES - Western Equestrian Society
WH - Working Hunter
WHO - World Arabian Horse Organisation
WHP - Working Hunter Pony
WPCS - Welsh Pony & Cob Society
WTFDTM - The inspiration behind this page!
WWAED - World Wide Association of Equine Dentistry

XC - Cross Country

YO - year old
YO - Yard Owner

Equestrian Acronyms

The following list of common equestrian acronyms has been compiled to help users of the NFED & other equestrian websites. If you would anything added, please contact the site admin.

acronyms (plural noun) - an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.

3DE - Three Day Event

AA - Anglo Arab
AES - Anglo European Studbook
AHR - Arabian Horse Registry
AHS - Arab Horse Society
AHT - Animal Health Trust
ANSF - Selle Français Breeders Society
ApHC UK - Appaloosa Horse Club
AQHA - American Quarter Horse Association
AWCF - Associateship of the Worshipful Company of Farriers

BAEDT - British Association of Equine Dental Technicians
BApS - British Appaloosa Society
BBWA - British Bavarian Warmblood Association
BCPS - British Connemara Pony Society
BD - British Dressage
BDS - British Driving Society
BE - British Eventing.
BEF - British Equestrian Federation
BETA - British Equestrian Trade Association
BEVA - British Equine Veterinary Association
BHHS - British Hanovarian Horse Society
BHRC - British Harness Racing Club
BHS - British Horse Society
BHTA - British Horse Trials Association
BMHS - British Miniature Horse Society
BMHS - British Morgan Horse Society
BNWT - Brand New With Tags
BPHS - British Percheron Horse Society
BPS - British Palomino Society
BSHR - British Sports Horse Register
BSJA - British Show Jumping Association
BSPS - British Show Pony Society
BWB - British Warmblood
BYRDS - British Young Riders Dressage Scheme

C/S - Cob Size
CB - Cleveland Bay
CBHS - Cleveland Bay Horse Society
CEnE - Comann Each nan Eilean – the Eriskay Pony Society
CDA - Commoners Defence Association
CHAPS - Coloured Horse & Pony Society
CMF - Certified Military Farrier

DPS - Dales Pony Society 
DEFRA - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DIP - Diploma in Farriery
Drift - New Forest Pony Round Up

EAM - Equine Atypical Myopathy
EDT - Equine Dental Technician
ELO - Equine Liaison Officer

F/S - Full Size
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question
FBNF - Forest Bred New Forest
FEI - Federation Equestre Internationale (International Equestrian Federation)
FPS - Fell Pony Society
FR - First Ridden
FRC - Farriers Registration Council (UK)
F/S - Full Size
FWCF - Fellowship of the Worshipful Company of Farriers

H/W - Heavy weight
HBLB - Horserace Betting Levy Board
hh - hands high
HHS - Hackney Horse Society
HHW - Hampshire Horsewatch
HOYS - Horse Of The Year Show
HPS - Highland Pony Society
HSE - Health and Safety Executive
HT - Hunter Trials
H/W - Heavyweight

ID - Irish Draught
IDHS(GB) - Irish Draught Horse Society of Great Britain
IH - Intelligent Horsemanship
IHSGB - Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain
IMO - In my opinion
ISH - Irish Sports Horse
IWT - Ifor Williams Trailers

JC - Jockey Club

KWPN - Royal Warmblood Stud Book Of The Netherlands (Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland)

L/W - Lightweight
LBSGB - Lusitano Breed Society of Great Britain
LDR - Long Distance Riding
LHC - Life Height Certificate
LNSA of GB - Lipizzaner National Stud Book Association of Great Britain
LR - Lead Rein
LSGB - Lipizzaner Society of Great Britain
LWVTB - Loan with view to buy

M&M - Mountain & Moorland
M/W - Middleweight
MGA - Mounted Games Association
MGAGB - Mounted Games Association of Great Britain
NF - New Forest
NFCDA - New Forest Commoners Defence Association
NFEA - New Forest Equestrian Association
NFED - New Forest Equine Directory
NFH - New Forest Hounds
NFLS - New Forest Livestock Society
NFNPA - New Forest National Park Authority
NFP - New Forest Pony
NFPB&CS - New Forest Pony Breeding & Cattle Society
NFX - New Forest Cross
NPS - National Pony Society

O/N - Open Novice
ODE - One-Day Event
OIRO - Offers in region of
ONO - Or Near Offer
OVNO - Or very near offer

p2p - Point to Point
PB - Part Bred
PBA - Part Bred Arab
PBNF - Part Bred New Forest
PC - Pony Club
POA - Price on Application
PPC - Prince Phillips Cup
PRE - Pure Spanish Horse (Pura Raza Espanola)
PUK - Ponies UK

QH - Quater Horse

RC - Riding Club
RCP - Riding Club Pony
RCVS - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
RDA - Riding for the Disabled Association
Reg - Registered
RH - Riding Horse
RoR - Retraining of Racehorses
RP - Ridden Pony
RSPCA - Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

SH - Show Hunter
SHB(GB) - Sports Horse Breeding Of GB
SHP - Show Hunter Pony
SIHA - Scottish Icelandic Horse Association
SJ - Show Jumping
SP - Show Pony
SPSBS - Shetland Pony Stud Book Society
SPSBS - The Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society
SPSS - Sports Pony Studbook Society
STC - subject to collection

TB - Thoroughbred
TBA - Thoroughbred Breeders' Association
TBX - Thoroughbred Cross

VMR - Veterinary Medicines Regulations

WB - Warmblood
WES - Western Equestrian Society
WH - Working Hunter
WHO - World Arabian Horse Organisation
WHP - Working Hunter Pony
WPCS - Welsh Pony & Cob Society
WTFDTM - The inspiration behind this page!
WWAED - World Wide Association of Equine Dentistry

XC - Cross Country

YO - year old
YO - Yard Owner

If you can't find the answer, feel free to contact us

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