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NFED Classified Help & Frequently Asked Questions

How the Directory Works

Submitting your listing in the directory is very simple. Fill in the submission form. Submit your entry and pay online through the shopping cart, then Email over any photos that you would like to include

Your listing will be created for you by the administrator, normally with 24 hours. New listings are posted under "What's New" on the NFED homepage giving you great coverage from the start.

The directory is divided into categories.

The viewer can select to show the category listings in alphabetical, oldest or newest order.

The viewer can search the directory.

The map view displays the categories on a Google map.

The viewer can click either on the list or map pin to see the advertiser details or go to that listing.

How the Directory Works

Submitting your listing in the directory is very simple. Fill in the submission form. Submit your entry and pay online through the shopping cart, then Email over any photos that you would like to include

Your listing will be created for you by the administrator, normally with 24 hours. New listings are posted under "What's New" on the NFED homepage giving you great coverage from the start.

The directory is divided into categories.

The viewer can select to show the category listings in alphabetical, oldest or newest order.

The viewer can search the directory.

The map view displays the categories on a Google map.

The viewer can click either on the list or map pin to see the advertiser details or go to that listing.

If you can't find the answer, feel free to contact us

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