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NFED Payments Help & Frequently Asked Questions

Featured Adverts

Many thousands regularly view the site or browse the classifieds every day, but featured ads will be shown elsewhere on the site which may further increase the chances of finding success with your advert.

Paid ads will be featured automatically providing that they are suitable, on topic, reflect well on the site & of interest to our viewers.

To protect advertisers, the contact details will not be included. Viewers must follow the link to the main advert to contact the advertiser.

Featured ads do involve extra processes & the use of third party services, so free ads will not be featured. If you would like to feature a free advert, simply pay for the advert in the normal way. Click here to go to shopping cart & continue.

Although payment does make an advert eligible, the administrator reserves the right to refuse to feature unsuitable adverts. If you pay to feature a free advert which is unsuitable, payment will be refunded.

Social Media
If possible, equestrian themed adverts will also be shared on our social media pages on Facebook & Twitter. To comply with Facebook Community Standards we cannot share animal adverts on Facebook that mention buying, offered, available, wanted, selling or include the price in the title. These rules can be altered at any time and ultimately we have no control over posts removed by Facebook or Twitter.

Featured Adverts

Many thousands regularly view the site or browse the classifieds every day, but featured ads will be shown elsewhere on the site which may further increase the chances of finding success with your advert.

Paid ads will be featured automatically providing that they are suitable, on topic, reflect well on the site & of interest to our viewers.

To protect advertisers, the contact details will not be included. Viewers must follow the link to the main advert to contact the advertiser.

Featured ads do involve extra processes & the use of third party services, so free ads will not be featured. If you would like to feature a free advert, simply pay for the advert in the normal way. Click here to go to shopping cart & continue.

Although payment does make an advert eligible, the administrator reserves the right to refuse to feature unsuitable adverts. If you pay to feature a free advert which is unsuitable, payment will be refunded.

Social Media
If possible, equestrian themed adverts will also be shared on our social media pages on Facebook & Twitter. To comply with Facebook Community Standards we cannot share animal adverts on Facebook that mention buying, offered, available, wanted, selling or include the price in the title. These rules can be altered at any time and ultimately we have no control over posts removed by Facebook or Twitter.

Connecting the central southern equestrian community.